Thirty One Days Of Happiness Tips Day 9

                                                                                      Image:Bill Kasman from Pixabay
Today's happiness tip follows on from yesterday's when I wrote about simplifying life. Today's tip is consider decluttering your life if you haven't already done so.

The term declutter was first recorded in the mid twentieth century but I don't recall hearing it until the current century. When I got married in the nineteen seventies I was much too busy acquiring and accumulating things for my new home to think of the possibility of ever having too much stuff! However, a time did come when I decided I had too many things and needed to part with some. It has been an ongoing process for me.

Some people believe more money and more things result in more happiness. Yes, some possessions bring a level of happiness and there are belongings that are very special to each of us, things we wouldn't want to be without. However, accumulating more and more can end up being overwhelming. Many people find they are happier when they part with items that aren't important to them. Sometimes these are things that were once important but aren't any longer and other times they never were special.

The ideal amount of possessions for one person will be different from the amount that suits someone else. It is a very personal matter.

Here are links to more information about decluttering -


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