How much do you need right now? And a brief update on the shopping ban.
Street art at Kilburn Station in South Australia Image:Marie Vonow It seems a common tendency to want more. More furniture, more clothes, more food, more holidays, just more of everything. It may hark back to times when things were scarce so people stockpiled during times of plenty and used it up when hard times came. Perhaps it's just in the human DNA or perhaps it's because of advertising, I don't know. There is also a tendency to want better, to upgrade your stuff, and if not your stuff, then your experiences. For some people these days it isn't all about the stuff, it's about experiences but perhaps not just any old experience, it has to be flashy. Consumerism Consumerism encourages people to buy more, more, and upgrade what they already have. There is plenty of pressure to earn more, spend more and if you haven't got the money, then put it on ...