
Showing posts from March 29, 2020

Thirty One days Of Happiness Tips Day 31

Image:Jill Wellington from Pixabay My tip for the final day of March is do what makes you happy (as long as it doesn't cause harm to someone else or infringe on their rights.) Get to know yourself and what makes you happy. Make time for those activities. Activities such as tai chi meditation you tube videos for relaxation CDs for meditation and such music dance being creative may contribute to your happiness. Many studies claim meditation is particularly good for increasing happiness. If you can't work out what makes you happy, I have read technology can give you a helping hand. Many ordinary things can make a person happier but this varies from person to person. For more ideas check out   http://selfavenu...

Thirty One Days Of Happiness Tips Day 30

Image:Marie Vonow Studies claim reading makes people happier, less stressed and less depressed. This tip won't work for everyone because not everyone has learnt to read and some who are able to just don't enjoy it. However, many people love reading, once they find the right book, and will agree it increases their level of happiness. A couple of years ago I went with a neighbour to a book sale held by a library. I was right into decluttering at the time and didn’t know whether to buy any books or resist. I decided to buy a box of books, they were so affordable and I like to support libraries because I borrow from them. After reading them I could donate the books and avoid accumulating clutter I told myself. One of the books I picked up was called The Happiness Factor. Imagine my surprise when I opened the book and saw what the author had written in it. Look at the image below. I had to buy that book!         ...

Thirty One Days Of Happiness Tips Day 29

Image;Tumisu from Pixabay Today's happiness tip is don't over-think everything. I have to admit I don't like to 'wing it' and have a tendency to over- think and over- plan. A degree of thinking ahead and planning is a good thing, I reckon, but over-thinking can drive you crazy and get in the way of happiness. Over-thinkers can be indecisive because they always feel they need to think some more before taking action. Their head is full of 'what if?' and 'What if I make the wrong decision?' They also tend to be very hard on themselves for making mistakes and keep thinking, 'I should have known better,' or 'I should have done better.' How can you handle over-thinking? Firstly, recognise that planning and being prepared is a helpful trait. Then accept the fact no one can be prepared for everything and that sometimes things won't turn out as you expected and planned, but that's okay because you will get throu...