Thirty One Days Of Happiness Tips Day 29

Image;Tumisu from Pixabay

Today's happiness tip is don't over-think everything. I have to admit I don't like to 'wing it' and have a tendency to over- think and over- plan. A degree of thinking ahead and planning is a good thing, I reckon, but over-thinking can drive you crazy and get in the way of happiness.

Over-thinkers can be indecisive because they always feel they need to think some more before taking action. Their head is full of 'what if?' and 'What if I make the wrong decision?' They also tend to be very hard on themselves for making mistakes and keep thinking, 'I should have known better,' or 'I should have done better.'

How can you handle over-thinking?
Firstly, recognise that planning and being prepared is a helpful trait. Then accept the fact no one can be prepared for everything and that sometimes things won't turn out as you expected and planned, but that's okay because you will get through the situation.

Look at the big picture and remember what's important. Don't get caught up in all the small details.

If you don't need to make an immediate decision, trust that the answer will come in its own good time.


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