am not an expert in self improvement and have no formal qualification
in the area. However, I do have life experience and I think
that counts for quite a lot. I don't think there is a one size fits all way to self improvement or a happier life.
I have come to the conclusion each person needs to
find what works for them.
Over the years I have developed ideas through reading, asking questions and talking to people. As
a mature age student I did 2.5 years of a social work degree where I
picked up some self improvement ideas especially when studying psychology.
my blog you will find posts about -
- self acceptance
- loving yourself
- gratitude
- things that make people happy
- ways to relax
- simplifying your life
- increasing your self confidence
- creativity
- reducing stress
- adopting a positive outlook
- self improvement buzz words and acronyms
- looking after your mental health
- looking after your physical health
- relationship goals
- learning new skillsand more!
well as having an interest in self-improvement, I love to
write. The creative Mina and I share a blog about all things life
and home which you may like to check out at
also love quotes, owls, simple cooking, time in the garden, Nature
and of course my family, friends and friendly folk with whom I