
Showing posts from July 14, 2019

Shopping Ban Update 4

 'Hunted Home & Vintage' in Lobethal. So tempting to buy something    Image:M. Vonow It's easy to use shopping as a recreational activity even if one doesn't have lots of money. There are garage sales, op shops, markets and various internet sites such as Gumtree.These days there are bargain shops that sell all types of new things at low prices. It can be easy to justify purchases when they are within your budget. Garage sales There was a time, long ago, when I went to garage sales most weekends. I think I have been to only two or three in the last year. I bought a pretty outdoor decoration for $1 a few months ago and I am glad I bought it. I think it looks so lovely when the sun shines through the blue glass.  This blue glass hanging decoration brings me joy                   Image:Marie Vonow Op shops I love op shops but am mostly avoiding them now that I a...