Shopping Ban Update 4

 'Hunted Home & Vintage' in Lobethal. So tempting to buy something    Image:M. Vonow

It's easy to use shopping as a recreational activity even if one doesn't have lots of money. There are garage sales, op shops, markets and various internet sites such as Gumtree.These days there are bargain shops that sell all types of new things at low prices. It can be easy to justify purchases when they are within your budget.

Garage sales
There was a time, long ago, when I went to garage sales most weekends. I think I have been to only two or three in the last year. I bought a pretty outdoor decoration for $1 a few months ago and I am glad I bought it. I think it looks so lovely when the sun shines through the blue glass. 

This blue glass hanging decoration brings me joy                   Image:Marie Vonow

Op shops
I love op shops but am mostly avoiding them now that I am doing my shopping ban challenge
I did go into a couple of op shops recently because my son was looking for things. He bought some gardening books at $1 each but I managed not to buy anything. I did look at clothes while he was shopping but there wasn't anything I wanted anyway.

One purchase
I did buy something the other day after thinking whether to or not for a couple of weeks. A popcorn maker which pops the corn without using oil. In the past I have used a saucepan with a bit of oil to make popcorn but I am watching my weight so decided to buy a popcorn maker. I am happy with my decision as it does a good job of popping the corn and there are hardly any unpopped kernels. 

An alternative to window shopping
I am doing things other than window shopping when I have spare time and I am in a shopping area. Browsing, window shopping call it what you may, tends to lead to purchasing something. The library is a wonderful place to go if I have time to fill in before my bus is due. Yesterday when I was in the library I ran into two friends which was a bonus. Books and friends!

Decluttering again
In her book, The Year Of Less, Cait Flanders suggests giving away stuff before starting a shopping ban. I felt I had done enough decluttering so I didn't do that. However, a few weeks into the shopping ban, I am finding I am looking at my stuff somewhat differently. There are still  things I don't actually want any longer.

I have given away a couple of long sleeved tops I expected I would wear frequently when I bought them. It turned out they were just taking up space. I also parted with a lovely blazer I bought on sale three years ago. It is a bit small and I rarely wore it. I hope someone will buy it and wear it frequently. 

I also donated a big glass vase I don't use and a couple of pottery containers. And this was after saying I had decluttered enough!

The shopping ban isn't too bad
So far I am not finding the shopping ban too difficult but we will see if this feeling continues as time goes by. As long as I remember the advantages of not buying that stuff I can live without I should be okay.

Advantage of a decluttered space
I have found when I don't have excess stuff lying around I have greater appreciation of the things I have kept. For example, today I put a couple of bird of paradise flowers in a vase I made in pottery classes, about 30 years ago. It occurred to me the vase of flowers would look particularly nice on a table cloth I bought earlier this year. As the vase of flowers is the only thing on the table I am able to appreciate it more because I am not distracted by clutter. 

                                 Bird of paradise flowers                                                         Image:Marie Vonow

Although I had 3 lace tablecloths so didn't strictly need the table cloth in the photo I am glad I bought it because it 'goes' so well with this house. I have plants with similar leaves to those on the cloth in the garden. I can see them when I look through the glass door into the garden. I think I will always like to buy a new thing here and there, I just want to be more selective, more conscious of my purchases.


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