
Showing posts from September 23, 2018

Music Improves Your Life

Peaceful harp                                                                                Pixabay As I type this blog I am listening to YouTube music through headphones as is my habit when I write. I vary the music I listen to depending on whether I want something relaxing or feel in need of mental stimulation. I enjoy listening to music at other times, it is one of the simple pleasures which makes life more enjoyable. Many people spend time each day listening to music, either while they are doing something else or as they relax in their favourite spot. People travelling to work, either in a car or by public transport may listen to music to help the commute go more quickly. Some folk who suffer anxiety find listening to music as they travel on the bus or train helps quell their anxious thoughts. Many cafes and supermarkets have music playing in the background. It is quite likely there will be music playing in the waiting room at your dentist, doctor or therapist, althoug