Thirty One Days Of Happiness Tips Day 3

Image: Daniel Reche from Pixabay

Happiness Tip 3: Get some exercise each day. Most people have heard exercise is good for one and makes one feel good. When you feel good you are likely to be happy so it makes sense there is a link between exercise and happiness.

During exercise endorphins are released. Endorphins produce a positive and energising feeling and can help reduce pain.

There are many different forms of exercise, places to participate in exercise and individuals will have different needs in relation to physical activity. Walking is my favourite type of exercise.

Now, I am personally not one to exercise just for the sake of exercising even though I know it is good for me. I would find some excuse not to bother to go for a 20 minute walk if it was just to get exercise. However, throughout my life I have enjoyed walking (but not power walking) when there is a purpose to doing it or as a social activity.

For example-
  • When I was boarding in a girls' hostel and studying at uni in my late teens I walked into uni each day for lectures to save the bus fare. I encouraged others to do the same so a group of us would do the 2.1 km walk and enjoy chatting on the way.
  • At one of my jobs a colleague and I often went for a walk at lunch time and talked about what was happening in our lives. We were able to talk without being interrupted we could vent if needed without being overheard!
  • When I had a dog I enjoyed taking him out for a walk
  • I belonged to a walking group at one time and this was fun as we walked different places each week.
  • I haven't had a car for nearly five years and need to walk to get to public transport, the shops and other places. If I want to get somewhere I usually walk so I get exercise without thinking about it.
  • Sometimes I want to take some photos and even when I had a car I would walk because I spot all sorts of interesting stuff to snap when on foot.

Exercise Groups
Many claim exercising in a group provides motivation making one more likely to exercise regularly than if doing it alone. I think this may depend somewhat on the personality and age of the individual, the activity, where and when sessions are held and the cost.
There are all sorts of classes that involve exercise.         Photo:Marie Vonow
In the past I have tried some group exercise activities and dropped out quickly because I felt self conscious about my lack of coordination. Other activities that have sounded interesting have been held at a time that didn't suit me or the cost hasn't suited my budget.

That said, I am currently, much to my surprise, enjoying some group exercise activities! I think it is the combination of
  • exercises being at my ability level
  • being able to do them at my pace
  • patient and encouraging instructors
  • affordability and
  • the nice bunch of people I am exercising with.
PS We have coffee and a chat afterwards.

Different forms of exercise suit different people but once you find something you enjoy it can contribute to your happiness.

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  1. Oh, exercise. Hmm - I know the benefits of it, as you've listed, and of course, with my particular chronic illness, exercise is good for me for that too. I know what I'm capable of, but at the moment, exercise is just not rocking my boat. Perhaps it may happen again, soon ...

    1. In the past I have found it so difficult to actually do exercise, other than walking which has tended to be a part of my day to day life over the years, at some times more than at other times. I am so pleased to currently be finding it easier to regularly do a variety of exercise. I understand what you are saying about exercise 'not rocking my boat'.

    2. I have my preferred form of exercise, my Wii Fit exercises, it's just that exercising my brain is more appealing to me at the moment ... It may change soon (I hope it will) but right now, words are the winners. Creative words!


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