Thirty One Days Of Happiness Tips Day 30

Image:Marie Vonow
Studies claim reading makes people happier, less stressed and less depressed. This tip won't work for everyone because not everyone has learnt to read and some who are able to just don't enjoy it. However, many people love reading, once they find the right book, and will agree it increases their level of happiness.

A couple of years ago I went with a neighbour to a book sale held by a library. I was right into decluttering at the time and didn’t know whether to buy any books or resist. I decided to buy a box of books, they were so affordable and I like to support libraries because I borrow from them. After reading them I could donate the books and avoid accumulating clutter I told myself.

One of the books I picked up was called The Happiness Factor. Imagine my surprise when I opened the book and saw what the author had written in it. Look at the image below. I had to buy that book!
                                                                         Image:Marie Vonow
The first chapter is called 'Finding the H factor.' Each of the other 25 chapters features the other letters of the alphabet with a word connected to happiness. The chapter then goes on to explain about the word.

What words are featured?
Here is the list-
A - Attitude
B - Balance
C - Character
D - Determination
E – Encouragement
F – Fun
G – Generosity
I – Inner Peace
J – Joy
K – Kindness
L – Love
M – Money
N – Negativity
O – Obstacles and how to overcome them
P – Purpose
Q – Quality
R – Relationships
S – Sacrifice
T – Thankfulness
U – Uniqueness
V – Vision
W – Wisdom
X – The Cross
Y – Youthfulness
Z – Zest

There are many other books on the topic of happiness but you don't have to be reading it to feel happier. If reading is something that makes you happy you may enjoy fiction, non-fiction or something else. There are so many types of books to choose from and you don't have to spend money as there are plenty of books in the library. (Your library may be closed at the moment but it will reopen at a later time.)


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