Thirty One days Of Happiness Tips Day 31

Image:Jill Wellington from Pixabay

My tip for the final day of March is do what makes you happy (as long as it doesn't cause harm to someone else or infringe on their rights.)

Get to know yourself and what makes you happy.
Make time for those activities. Activities such as
  • tai chi
  • meditation
  • you tube videos for relaxation
  • CDs for meditation and such
  • music
  • dance
  • being creative
may contribute to your happiness. Many studies claim meditation is particularly good for increasing happiness.

If you can't work out what makes you happy, I have read technology can give you a helping hand.

Many ordinary things can make a person happier but this varies from person to person. For more ideas check out

If there is something that makes you happy but it's not listed in articles, books, videos or elsewhere, don't worry, just do it anyway!


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