Thirty One Days Of Happiness Tips Day 11

                                                             Image: Alexas Fotos from Pixabay
Sometimes we come across instructions for hosting the perfect party, being the perfect parent, choosing the perfect present and so on. Trying to be perfect isn't going to make you happy but it will stress you. By the way, no one is perfect. The happiness tip for today is don't be a perfectionist. Instead make 'near enough is good enough' your mantra, except in situations where it really is important to get something spot on.

There are times where it is important a person gets something right. I don't want a doctor who operates on me to have a 'near enough' attitude. However, there are many times when trying to get things 'perfect' is a waste of time and a source of stress.

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It is healthier to focus on progress rather than perfection. Looking at the progress you are making will give you something to smile about. 


For example, I recently started going to an aqua exercise class. At first I couldn't get any of the exercises right and I couldn't keep up with the instructor. I still don't get everything right but neither does anyone else! If I was a perfectionist I would give up and stop going to the class, resulting in missing out on valuable (and fun) exercise. I appreciate the progress I am making instead.


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