Thirty One Days Of Happiness Tips Day 25

Today's happiness tip is Talk to someone. Sometimes talking about your problems boosts your mood. Other times talking about something other than what was upsetting you may be helpful because it distracts you from your worries. Just the fact you are interacting with someone else can make you feel less alone. When things are going well sharing your positive news can also make you happier.

Some people love to talk and will try to engage anyone near them in conversation. Others are quieter and prefer to know someone before they get into conversation, but you need to talk to someone first in order to get to know them. Then there are those who suffer social anxiety and are often uncomfortable talking to people. With all this in mind it is not surprising not everyone feels happier after talking to someone. However, many people do, as long as the chat is congenial.

                                                                           Image: FuSuSu from Pixabay

Studies have come up with differing ideas about the value of deep conversations compared to small talk. I think both have their place. I feel happy after a deep and meaningful discussion with a friend. If I find myself comfortable enough with someone I have just met to get into a deep conversation, I feel I would like to spend more time with that person. 

Sometimes a conversation on a serious topic helps me to see another side of the picture which I find interesting. However, a bit of small talk or a laugh, either with someone I know or a person I have just met can brighten my day. For more thoughts about small talk check out -

At the time of writing this post, we are experiencing the coronavirus pandemic. Social distancing is part of daily life for many and some are self isolating. This means face to face catch ups at a friend's home, the local pub, restaurant or cafe can't happen. Not having the opportunity for close contact and a chat can make people feel isolated and unhappy. 

Face to face communication and a hug tends to be the best way of lifting one's spirits. When that isn't possible a phone call, Skype or even email or text message contact keeps people in touch and helps boost their happiness. Reaching out in this way to someone who lives alone could do a lot to boost their happiness.


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