Thirty One Days Of Happiness Tips Day 22

                                                                                                           Image:Marie Vonow

Today's happiness tip is be willing to adapt. This is particularly relevant as I write this post because the coronavirus is forcing us to change how we carry out our daily lives. We don't ever know what the future will bring but sometimes unexpected events can turn our lives upside down. Being willing to adapt is more likely to make one happy than mourning the need to make changes.

Psychologist and author Guy Winch, Ph.D. says, 'Our ability to have life satisfaction, to be happy [and] to have good relationships really depends on our ability to adapt.' This ability to adapt comes more easily to some than others. 

Some people are organisers and will plan their life in great detail but find it difficult to cope with major changes which are out of their control. There are those who simply like things to stay the same. For others a curve ball is a challenge and they will be determined to make the best of a difficult situation.

People approach unexpected situations in different ways. Some will give up quickly, others try a new approach but if it doesn't work they try that same approach repeatedly and then there are those who test out different strategies until they find what works for them. 

Exchanging ideas with others can help us adapt. Reading or watching documentaries or helpful YouTube videos may provide strategies. Human beings are resilient and resourceful which helps them adapt.


  1. A great tip. My natural inclination is to look at things, and take the option that seems the most sensible one to me. The flu can fly by and I'll step back and wave it goodbye, as best I can!

  2. Thanks for your input, Carolyn. Your approach sounds level headed.


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