Thirty One Days Of Happiness Tips Day 21

                                                                 Image: MorningbirdPhoto from Pixabay

Today's happiness tip is read poetry. At first you might think this tip couldn't make you happy because poetry isn't your thing. However, there are all sorts of poetry ranging from long poems with a carefully thought out rhyming scheme to short poems of a few words with no rhyme. Some are hilarious, for example limericks. Others are thought provoking or beautiful. There should be something to appeal to just about everyone.

Why would a poem make you happy?
Poetry can be a great way to express lovely thoughts which will put you in a positive mood. It can also make you think about the world in a different way, distracting you from daily stress and problems.

Funny poems make you laugh. Laughing generally makes you feel happy.

Writing poetry can also make you happy
Some people are daunted by the thought of writing a poem. However -

One short form of poetry
Last year I read about the two by four poem which consists of a total of just eight words, four lines each containing two words. Check it out here -

Have a go at reading and/or writing some poetry and see if it makes you feel happier. You'll never know unless you try.


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