Thirty One Days Of Happiness Tips Day 15

                                                                       Title added to image created by Mohamed Hassan

The happiness tip for today is, help other people. As well as increasing your level of happiness, helping others is good for your health, and builds stronger communities.

When you help others your brain produces endorphins, those 'happy hormones'. Endorphins can reduce pain, lower blood pressure and increase self esteem. The euphoric state resulting from helping others is sometimes referred to as 'Helper's High.'

There are many ways to help others including -
  • volunteering
  • helping a friend
  • providing support to a neighbour
  • sharing surplus veggies or seedlings from your garden
  • giving someone a bunch of flowers from your garden
  • bringing in your neighbours' bins
  • cooking a meal for someone when they are sick or going through a tough time
  • helping out at your children's school or sport's club
  • donating goods
  • listening to someone who needs to talk
  • welcoming a newcomer to a group you belong to
  • encouraging someone

Even doing something small for someone else can assist them, make the world a better place and boost your own happiness. American educator, author and presidential advisor, Booker T. Washington said “Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.”


  1. Another excellent post, here. Helping others, that they will help others too, in the future ...


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