Handling A Phone Interview For A Job

Image:Marie Vonow
Have you ever had a job interview over the phone? Did you find it less or more intimidating than a face-to-face interview? What did you do to get yourself in the right emotional place to prepare for the interview?

Many years ago I had a phone interview for a job. I must have managed okay as I got the position. It was strange not to have someone (or more than one person) to talk to face to face. Although interviews make me nervous I would rather have the face to face contact. I like being able to see the person I am talking to so I can judge from their facial expressions and body language if they understand what I am saying. In general, with people I have communicated with over the phone I feel happier if I get the opportunity to meet that person. The next time we converse on the phone I am more relaxed.

Recently a friend had a phone interview for a position. She told me she was feeling a bit uptight beforehand. She knew the interviewer would not be able to see her so she put on a pair of Mickey Mouse ears. This made her feel better because the comedy of it made her loosen up. One of the things I love about this friend is her sense of humour. 
This approach would not work for everyone. Some people choose to dress up in the clothes they would wear if they were doing the interview face to face. They feel more confident if they look the part even though the interviewer can’t see them.

Here are six tips to keep in mind if you are doing an interview over the phone.
  • Use a landline if possible as you are less likely to have connection issues. Switch off your mobile.
  • Turn off call waiting if you have it so you don’t get distracted by the beep of an incoming call.
  • Choose a place where you can be certain of peace and quiet. If you have young children organise a babysitter to watch them somewhere else or book them into childcare.
  • Don’t eat, drink, chew gum or smoke during the interview as these things will make your speech less clear. They will also distract you and you need to listen carefully. Do have a glass of water on hand in case you get a dry throat.
  • Smile while you talk. Although the interviewer can’t see you the tone of your voice will be different because you are smiling.
  • Prepare well for the interview and check online for some typical phone interview questions.
There are some advantages to doing an interview over the phone. 
 You can
  • jot down important points made by the interviewer.
  • tape the job description and your resume to a wall and refer to them if necessary
  • have some questions written down
  • have your computer browser open at the company’s website and check information if necessary
If you have a phone interview it may be the only interview for the position or it may be the first interview. Sometimes a company uses an initial phone interview to create the short list of applicants they wish to interview face to face. If you feel yourself getting tense, picture my friend in her Mickey Mouse ears and smile. By the way she got the position.


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