The Joy Of Time Spent In Nature

Gum blossom                                  Image:Marie Vonow

I love being in a natural environment. It could be my own garden, someone else's garden, a park or the botanic gardens. It could be by a river, in the hills or at the beach. When I am in a natural environment I find it easy to live in the moment and to feel gratitude. Nature is good for the soul, I can feel it doing me good and research shows Nature is beneficial to a person's health. For more info, check out -

Local river in winter       Image:Marie Vonow

Elements of Nature such as birds bring joy                        Image:Marie Vonow

Some years ago when I was camping at the beach on Eyre Peninsula with my family I wrote this poem in response to watching the moon rise over the ocean -

  Rising Moon
Alone, enjoying the evening calm
I sit, gaze across the bay,
It's so peaceful I feel my spirit
Being transported away,
It floats above the ocean
Weightless like a child's balloon,
Then I catch my breath,
Above the rocks I see the rising moon.

                                                       Image:Marie Vonow

For more poetry inspired by Nature take a look at-

Nature provides many people with inspiration for their creative writing, painting, fabric art, pottery or other forms of self expression.


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