Shopping Ban Update 7

  Title added to graphic by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
The weather has warmed up and in fact we have had a couple of days I would class as 'hot'. Then we go back to cold because, well it's spring which means the weather goes from one extreme to the other. I realised my wardrobe was lacking a couple of items for inbetween weather so I used that as an excuse to visit local op shops. I also replaced two tops that I have had for five or six years and I am just tired of.

While out buying essential items today I came across a comforter set in one of the bargain shops. It is exactly what I pictured earlier in the year when I thought about updating my bedspread. Back then I decided not to make a purchase. I could probably have justified the purchase back then because I have had my plain blue bedspread for nine or ten years and I bought it second hand. If you look closely you can see a few places where I have darned little holes.

It was easier to resist buying a new bedcover when I hadn't actually come across one that would suit so well. The price was excellent and it will be great for those summer nights when it is warm but not stinking hot. Yes, I made another purchase and I am really happy with it. 

New comforter                                                                    Image:Marie Vonow

You can see I am not sticking one hundred per cent to the ban on buying unnecessary things. Yes, I can justify each of my purchases but I could have managed without them. Do I regret them? No.

On the other hand there are plenty of things I have seen that I have resisted buying because they are not essentials. I am mostly avoiding browsing in op shops because I don't want to end up buying things I don't need.

I am coming to the conclusion that a carefully chosen non essential purchase now and then is fun but mindless spending wastes money and time and can cause clutter/storage problems.


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