Shopping Ban Update 5

Adapted from image by Clkert-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
I have been doing my self imposed shopping ban for nearly 3 months now. Overall I would say it isn't proving too difficult but I have made a couple of purchases recently. They weren't essential but I don't regret making them.

Op Shops
I have been staying away from op shops because I will be tempted to buy things I don't really need if I start browsing. Instead I have been spending time at the library or a cafe if I have time to fill in when I am in the main street area which has a number of op shops. I did go into an op shop yesterday but that was for the purpose of donating some folders, books and a dvd I no longer wanted. Rather than looking at all the bargain priced items for sale I left the shop quickly!

Yes I made a couple of unnecessary purchases
There are always racks of marked down items of brand new clothing outside a lovely shop in the main street. At the moment there are some fantastic bargains to be had as the shop is selling off winter stock. Yesterday I stopped to look and decided to buy two long sleeved tops. 
End of the season brings plenty of sales                    Image: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Now, I certainly could have lived without them. After careful consideration I decided to make the purchases even though I have set myself the shopping ban. Both tops were marked down from $69.95. One was marked $12.95 and the other was $5. I consider both to be super bargains. More importantly, I am sure I will wear both many times as they are well made and coordinate with many items I already own.

But I didn't buy a book
I borrowed a book from the library and considered buying a copy of it. After thinking about it I decided I could make notes on the parts that were particularly relevant instead of making a purchase.

I love books but in the past I have bought numerous which ended up collecting dust and didn't get read. When I borrow a book from the library I have a time limit for reading it so I am more likely to make time for reading.

Although I have bought a couple of things I didn't really need I am still pleased with the way my shopping ban is progressing. If i hadn't decided to try the shopping ban i would have made many more purchases over the past three months.


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