Moving House, Settling In And The Decluttering Dilemma

Clay tiles Whitmore Square Adelaide                       Image:Marie Vonow
Having moved house at the start of 2019 and having decluttered (again!) before moving, I thought I had this decluttering thing worked out. However, for me it is an ongoing process. A different house means I no longer use some things I previously did and it means I have found it necessary to acquire a few things I didn't need in my previous house.

What should I do with items I am not using now?

Now, what should I do about the things I don't currently need? Could I possibly need them in the future? Perhaps and perhaps not. Should I hold onto them or set them free? Mostly, I have decided to donate what I no longer need to op shops or give away through Gumtree. I have sold a couple of items too.

Thinking before I buy

I am thinking carefully before making any new purchases, well most of the time. Now and then I make an impulse purchase and hey that isn't always a bad thing.

The beautiful footstool

Recently I went with a friend to check out some furniture upcycled with chalk paint. My friend was interested in finding out about using chalk paint and doing a course to learn the technique. I was happy to go along with her for a drive in the beautiful Adelaide Hills on a lovely autumn day.

We had a great time talking to Jane about the furniture she had for sale and I came away with a gorgeous footstool. I wasn't planning on making a purchase that day but I had been thinking I would like 'something' to liven up our lounge room. I was using a box to put my coffee on but I didn't want a big coffee table because it would get in the way, I wasn't sure what I wanted.When I saw the footstool I knew it was just the thing.

The footstool can be used as a decorative piece of furniture or to put my feet up if I am sitting in the middle of the couch which isn't a reclining seat. Sometimes we place a tray on it and use it as a small coffee table. I am really glad I bought this item as it is proving more useful than I expected and it is a good talking point when we have visitors. This piece of furniture is not clutter!

Beautiful footstool decorated by Jane of          Image:Marie Vonow

Temptation to accumulate new clutter

In spite of all my good intentions I find it can be tempting to accumulate clutter again. I go to the shops and see ‘3 for $10’ when I only need one of the items. However one costs $4 and the thought of making a saving is tempting. After all I will eventually use all 3. Probably. It's a conspiracy to make the consumer buy more than he/she needs!

Loyalty programs

There are various loyalty programs which encourage one to buy, buy, buy and often it's stuff I don't really need. You know the sort of thing, spend $50 and get $10 off. But I was only going to spend $15. It's tempting to grab extra things to get the total to $50 or over.

Op shops

And I do love op shops. The money goes to worthy causes which helps me justify buying things I don't need. Sometimes I tell myself I am 'just going to have a look.' I don't always stick to that plan. On the other hand, sometimes I do. The other day I saw a pretty butterfly patterned candle holder and I was tempted until I reminded myself I already own something similar.

Clutter I already own

Over the weekend I went through my cookery magazines. Now, I got rid of a stack of cookery books a couple of years ago. I found this difficult because I was brought up in a time when a woman was supposed to do lots of cooking. It makes me feel guilty for getting rid of recipe books.

Anyway, I decided to donate a pile of recipe magazines to an op shop. I had been thinking about this for a couple of months and it feels good to have done it. Now I need to stop myself from buying replacements.

It goes on. Deciding what to keep, what to part with and then having to think whether I really need a new (or pre-loved) item. Someone else may need it but do I? Have I already got something that will do the job? Sometimes a 'new' item does bring ongoing pleasure or makes my life easier or more comfortable. Other times I really don't need it.


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