Taking Care Of Yourself By Spending Time With Friends

Time with a true friend is good for you     Image:Pixabay

There are numerous benefits to spending time with those family members and friends you really get on well with. You may hold different opinions and have varying interests but that's okay because a bit of difference can enrich your life. It makes you feel good to spend time with people you like and it is a way of caring for yourself.

What are some of the benefits of spending time with those you get on well with?
Having a strong social network -
  • makes you feel more self confident. If you are lacking confidence having a good old chin wag with someone who understands you will make you feel better about yourself.
  • increases self esteem
  • helps protect you from feelings of depression and anxiety
  • decreases stress
  • increases rate of recovery after illness. Positive social interaction leads to the brain releasing oxytocin. Oxytocin is a hormone which reduces inflammation and helps wounds heal more quickly.
Other people sometimes have the answers to your questions or can at least direct you to someone who has the answers. Talking things over sometimes helps you to sort out your ideas better than just thinking them over.

I love spending time alone but many activities are more enjoyable with a companion. When you watch a movie with someone else you can discuss it later and laugh about the funny bits. You may find yourself imitating some of the characters. Perhaps years later you still quote one liners and share a laugh that others don't understand.

Especially if you live alone, having a meal with someone else makes it a special event. Sometimes you can share the cost of an activity making it cheaper.

 You can swap books, DVDs, cuttings from the garden, clothes or accessories and save money. Buying in bulk and sharing with friends can also help save money and sharing recipes can be fun too, especially if it’s a yummy cake recipe!

People who have just moved or do not have many friends for other reasons can often make new friends by attending activities at a community centre, neighbourhood house or a church. Volunteering is another way to make new friends.

Spending time with family and friends who make you feel good about yourself is uplifting and benefits your health.


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