Thirty Three Simple Pleasures

Nature gives me great pleasure                                            Image:Marie Vonow

Everyone gets pleasure from different things and different experiences. Therefore I can't make a list of things guaranteed to bring you pleasure. Even for myself, I have changed over the years so if I had made a list of simple pleasures about 35 years ago some of the items would be different from now. But I do know the items on the top of that list would have been an uninterrupted night's sleep, an afternoon nap and a hot cup of coffee drunk without an interruption. Yes, I had a baby back then.

There are many things that bring me pleasure or give my spirits a boost. Lots of them are simple.

Here are thirty three of the simple pleasures in my current life, in no particular order - 
  • smell of rain especially after a hot day
  • sound of rain on a tin roof
  • smell of fresh lavender and other flowers too
  • homemade pumpkin soup, love that taste and it's healthy too, bonus
  • roast chicken, always a winner with me
  • chocolate cake
  • cheesecake
  • a hot mug of good cappuccino
  • sitting in a nice cafe, either alone or with a friend
  • watching the water flowing in the local river after a good rain
  • water fountains
  • strings of coloured lights
  • butterflies
  • owls
  • watching birds in the garden
  • time with my dog
  • going for a walk
  • walking around a market and looking at all the interesting items available for sale
  • receiving an old fashioned snail mail letter
  • reading a great book
  • browsing fashion magazines
  • autumn leaves
  • almond blossom
  • discovering a piece of street art I haven't seen before
  • finding a new cafe which serves great tasting coffee
  • frogs croaking
  • sound of hens cackling
  • experimenting with variations on a recipe
  • eating the results of cooking experiments
  • coming across a new piece of music or a song I love
  • pottering in the garden
  • discovering a plant I thought was dead has new growth on it
  • growing a plant from a cutting
    This lavender plant is one I grew from a cutting.      Image:Marie Vonow     


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