Enjoy The Moment

Enjoy that cuppa, enjoy the moment                                  Image:Marie Vonow

What could be better? I am sitting at my computer blogging while listening to uplifting music. I am drinking my favourite coffee from a lovely mug. Every now and then I take a nibble of dark chocolate and I don’t have to feel guilty because it’s only a small bar and it’s sugar free. Also, I have read dark chocolate contains anti oxidants and boosts your endorphins. The sun is shining through the crystal I have hanging in the window making rainbows of refracted light appear on the walls of my room.

These may be simple pleasures but they make my life good. I feel gratitude for these things and am living in the now, in the present moment. Eileen Caddy, spiritual teacher and New Age author said, ‘Nothing really matters except what you do now in this instant of time.’ 

It is easy to get so involved with plans for the future and regrets about the past that one forgets to live every moment of the present. One can try to do too much, end up exhausted. I certainly have a tendency to try to pack too much into a day and have to remind myself not to do this. For years I did too much (and didn’t get enough sleep) and know I missed out on noticing many little things.

A freelance writer, Robert Brault said, ‘Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realise they were the big things.’ (A similar quote is attributed to American writer Kurt Vonnegut.)

However, it's not always easy to achieve a lifestyle that allows you to notice the little things and live in the moment. These days there is so much advice on how to live a better life. We can end up trying to fit too much into every day which is what we are actually trying to avoid.

There are many suggestions for things to do to lead a better life, in addition to caring for family, employment and looking after a house. We are advised to learn to meditate, grow our own organic vegetables, cook from scratch, recycle (it takes longer than just throwing everything in the bin), go for a daily walk or do other exercise and keep a journal. 

There’s more. We are told volunteering is good for us, puzzles and learning another language will ward off dementia and we should have a hobby or two. Trying to do all these things all the time can end up burdening us and we don’t have time and energy to notice the little things and enjoy the moment.

We can’t do everything. Sometime compromise is necessary and we shouldn’t feel guilty about our choices. Look out the window and take note of some little things that make you feel happy right now. Ignore the weeds.


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