Exploring A Suburb On My Own

Part of mural inside Chocolatree cafe 25 O'Connell Street North Adelaide                        Image:Marie Vonow
I enjoy spending time with friends but sometimes I enjoy going off and exploring somewhere on my own. Recently I caught the train and then a bus to North Adelaide and spent a morning wandering around the shops on O'Connell Street. I had a fun time and came home feeling full of energy, ideas and enthusiasm.

Talking to a stranger
Soon after I got off the bus a stranger who was sitting on a bench smiled at me. She said I looked like her friend Sophie. We fell into conversation about 'doppelgangers'. After a few minutes I went on my way. Had I been in company I doubt the woman would have spoken to me for fear of intruding. 

Some street art
I love street art, the way it pops up in unexpected places and is there for everyone to view whenever they want. It's free to view, a bonus.
Street art              Image:M Vonow
Down a side street there was some art which I photographed. I don't have any knowledge of the technical side of art and I have never studied the history or learnt about different art styles. However, I enjoy looking at it and taking photographs.

I admire the skill of the artists who paint street art to brighten up dull walls. Not that I appreciate all the paintings I see. Some seems ugly or pointless but there may be a message I fail to understand.

Coffee time
Before I had gone far I came across an interesting looking cafe called Chocolatree and decided it was cappuccino time. 

At Chocolatree       Image:M Vonow

I couldn't resist ordering a brownie as well. It was presented artistically on a plain white plate. The cafe was quiet and I was on my own, giving me the opportunity to really take note of the decor and enjoy the Latin American music.

Having said that, I do love to catch up with a friend for coffee, either in a cafe we haven't been to before or at an old favourite.

Book shop
Fuelled by the cappuccino and brownie, I continued on. Out the front of a book shop there were DVDs and I spotted one I knew my sister would like. It is still three months to her birthday but I bought the DVD and will give it to her as a present. I don't like to leave shopping for a present to the last minute as it always seems harder to find a suitable gift when I'm under pressure.  

I started to look around the book shop and found so many things I liked, books, notepaper, bookmarks, cards. It would have been easy to have spent up big so I didn't linger!

There were numerous other shops of interest nearby so I continued browsing. I walked further down O'Connell Street and came across more street art down a laneway.

More street art                              Image:Marie Vonow
Then I found an op shop and spent some time looking at the clothes, books, linen, crockery and bits and pieces for sale. My attention was caught by a plaque with the words, 'Love like crazy Eat chocolate because you can...Dance on the coffee table...Live every moment... It was created by Lisa Pollock, an artist who lives in the Gold Coast Hinterland.

Uplifting plaque by Lisa Pollock  Image:Marie Vonow

I decided to buy this delightful plaque which is made all the more special by having a little battery-powered light behind the mason jar lantern in the top left corner. When I got home I looked Lisa up on the internet at https://www.lisapollock.com.au and found out a little more about the art she creates.

A bit further along I found an intriguing cafe called Chuck Wagon 175. This cafe/restaurant serves American style food including all sorts of burgers, pork ribs, hot dogs, chicken wingettes, sweet potato fries, nachos and a Mexican platter. Sweet treats include deep fried ice cream, deep fried nutella mars bar and classic waffles.

The decor is amazing with a number of large statues of super heroes such as Captain America, Iron Man and Superman. There is also a storm trooper and posters for retro movies.

Superman      Image:Marie Vonow

Some internet research uncovered the word 'chuck' is an American slang word meaning 'food'. It is claimed the first 'chuckwagon' was created in 1866 by Charles Goodnight, a Texas rancher. He built a mobile kitchen from an old wagon and used it to supply meals to cowboys who were moving cattle between Texas and New Mexico. (It's true, I do learn something new every day.) 

After an interesting time of exploring, taking photos, a little shopping and drinking coffee I caught a bus and then the train back home. I had a thoroughly enjoyable time out on my own, got into conversation with a few people along the way and made notes for articles to write.
On the way home I contacted a couple of friends to tell them what I had been up to, because they get that I like to do some things on my own. They are happy for me and don't think I am trying to make them feel they had missed out because I hadn't asked them along.


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