
Showing posts from May 3, 2020

Handling A Phone Interview For A Job

Image:Marie Vonow Have you ever had a job interview over the phone? Did you find it less or more intimidating than a face-to-face interview? What did you do to get yourself in the right emotional place to prepare for the interview? Many years ago I had a phone interview for a job. I must have managed okay as I got the position. It was strange not to have someone (or more than one person) to talk to face to face. Although interviews make me nervous I would rather have the face to face contact. I like being able to see the person I am talking to so I can judge from their facial expressions and body language if they understand what I am saying. In general, with people I have communicated with over the phone I feel happier if I get the opportunity to meet that person. The next time we converse on the phone I am more relaxed. Recently a friend had a phone interview for a position. She told me she was feeling a bit uptight beforehand. She knew the interviewer would not be a

What We Feel Gratitude For Changes In Response To The World Around Us

                                                                                                     Image:Marie Vonow There are many things I feel gratitude for but recently I have become very aware of how changes in the world around me influences what I feel gratitude for. It's May 2020 and COVID19 has caused many changes in our lives. There are things I now feel gratitude for which three months or more ago I didn't think about. There are other things I will feel gratitude for when life returns to some form of normal. Things I feel gratitude for I walked into my usual supermarket just before lunch today and saw toilet paper back on the shelves. People weren't grabbing it and throwing it into their shopping trolleys. They were acting as if it was normal to see shelves stocked with 2ply, 3ply, recycled, embossed, plain toilet paper, all sorts of toilet paper. I felt gratitude this every day item is once again readily available. It is now possible to get ordinary